Track One: Steps 10, 11 and 12
Tiffany AMendocino/Sonoma
This workshop offers exercises to employ while working the final Steps of the program.
*Step 10 would cover making our individual inventory list based off our work in Step 9.
*Step 11 would invite participants to share brief statements/words/phrases to incorporate into personal prayers (a list of these can be sent out to those who would like a copy to incorporate into future prayers/meditations) as well as fun/different ways people have meditated.
*Step 12 would share a list of service opportunities with the group and invite everyone to select a service position (preferably one they have not done or are resistant to take on) and give a brief share on how they imagine it might strengthen/support them (whether in recovery, or their general life). This doesn't ask anyone to absolutely do any particular service but is meant to invite people to consider how it MIGHT serve them.